Office of the Vice President
副总统办公室负责监督多元化、公平办公室 & Inclusion; Diversity & Intercultural Center; Pride Center; Office of Accessibility Services; Office of Sustainability; as well as, promotes intergroup, collaboration, 文化能力,并协助实现大学的目标,将所有劳伦斯人培养成为积极参与的全球公民. 副总统办公室也是劳伦斯的行政联络处 Posse program.
Diversity & Intercultural Center
The Diversity and Intercultural Center (D&IC提供了一个空间和程序,以确保所有学生的欢迎和包容的环境, 特别是来自不同背景的学生, to be able to thrive personally, socially, and academically at Lawrence University.
Gender and Sexual Diversity
性别和性多样性区域的存在是为了创建社区,满足LGBTQ+学生的需求, faculty, staff, Lawrence community members, 通过提供高质量的支持服务,促进社区成员和盟友的学术和个人成长, and to offer a safe, supportive, and welcoming environment.
Office of Accessibility Services
Office of Sustainability
从我们喝的水和吃的食物, to how we use energy, transportation and more, 劳伦斯致力于加强可持续发展的文化. 我们的校园是一个学习实验室,我们的住宿校园, 绿色倡议和课程可以结合起来,在劳伦斯和其他地方支持可持续发展.